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The Core Responsibility of Every Christian Employee

We all have our job descriptions which state in clear terms what our employers expect from us.

An important part of the JD is the core responsibility of the role, from where the KPIs and the many tasks to be completed to get result are derived.

The JD would also state the qualifications required to be able to carry out the core responsibility of the job.

With the content of our JD, we know what we will be appraised on by our employer at the end of an appraisal period.

As Christian employees, we have a core responsibility. The core responsibility determines what we are meant to be doing in our workplaces, what results are expected of us and the attributes we must have to be able to do the work in a manner that is worthy of reward.

What is this core responsibility? Jesus called it “My Father’s Business”. 
This is the primary responsibility of every Christian. Every other thing we do at work takes its root from this understanding that our Father’s business is what we have been given an opportunity to do.

Jesus answered them, ‘You should not really have had to look for me. I must be doing what my Father wants me to do. Really, you should have known that.’ (‭Luke‬ ‭2‬:‭49‬ EASY).

What do I mean by this? Am I going to leave the task my employer gave me and be focusing in the business of God?

Not at all, but here is the truth. He said whatever you do, do as unto the Lord.  Which means your job in that office must be done as if you are serving God.

Embedded in this also is the fact that if you must please your Father whose business you are doing, you must know how your job responsibilities connect with His priorities. This starts with knowing His priority which is presenting every man perfect before Him. Ministry of reconciliation”

It is now my responsibility to know how I can do my work such that it is an avenue for me to present people before God.

There is no time more than now that we need to focus on this core responsibility because the appraisal period is drawing closer.

God bless you.

Akindele Afolabi.

Christian Employee Series.

Published inWorkplace Principles