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Total Trust Must Be in God for Career Direction

Principle No_ 6

If we are in agreement with the first five principles, it should not be a big deal for us to trust God as it would be obvious to us that He has a plan for us to succeed in life.

We are aware of God’s promise in Isaiah twenty six verse three that He will keep us in perfect peace because we trust in Him. This means that the peace of God that passes all human understanding which comes from doing His will becomes ours every time while doing His will.

Similarly, if we want direction, to be able to do what we are meant to do per time according to the script that He has already written about us, if we want all circumstances to work for our good at all times, we must trust Him.

His words put it succinctly here

“Trust in and rely confidently on the LORD with all your heart And do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know and acknowledge and recognize Him, And He will make your paths straight and smooth [removing obstacles that block your way]. Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the LORD [with reverent awe and obedience] and turn [entirely] away from evil.”

‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭3:5-7‬ ‭AMP‬‬

Does this mean we shouldn’t think and have our own ideas? Absolutely not.

He says we should not rely on it, that is, we must subject our career plans and strategy to the Alpha and the Omega, we must acknowledge and recognize Him as the Omniscient God who can tell us if our plans are in line with His or not.

There was famine in the land and based on experience, Isaac chose to go to Egypt like his father did years back when there was famine. God however told him, “Son, the situation is similar to that of your father, so it’s okay to want to go to Egypt like he did. Here is the thing, it is not my plan for you to go to Egypt, you’ve got to stay here (more like stay on this job or career even if it doesn’t seem good for now) and work in this land. We know the result of this.

I know of someone who got a great job early this year, she even had to relocate to another city to start the job. Few months into the year, the impact of Covid hit the organisation and they had to let people go. She was affected because of the principle of last in first out.

I am not making a call on this, but the case is either of these two;

  1. She made a mistake by taking the other job
  2. It’s still the plan of God for this to happen because of other things God has planned for her.

Only God knows what it is but she could have known too if she had acknowledged God in making the decision. If the second scenario is the case, she would be at peace now because she would know that God is working out something for her.

Remember God says that our ways are not His ways, neither our thoughts His. God works things out in His own way and that is why we must trust Him. It doesn’t matter how the situation might be at the moment, as long as it is in His plan, you win.

When things go awry despite knowing that we are in God’s will, we tend to lose our trust or doubt God. If we do this, we are on the part to truncate His plan.

We must understand therefore that trust is not a half hearted thing, it is absolute. It is either we trust in God to lead us or we do it on our own.

God bless you.

Akindele Afolabi

Christian Employee Series


Published inWorkplace Principles