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Remember the Call

As I passed the turning to my office while driving out today, I jokingly said to my wife “this used to be my route to work”

It’s about seven weeks that I have been to my office as a result of remote working forced down on us by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Such is the new world we have found ourselves now. We now work conveniently from our homes, many times seeing our colleagues on the screen. Things are definitely not going to be the same again.

The opportunity we had to influence our colleagues at the workplace is no longer there or has been drastically reduced because most times we get to talk, it’s about work and we are separated by physical distance.

While the workplace used to be a field for plenteous harvest of souls, remote working has now changed the equation. Our lifestyle may not be able to influence colleagues to come to the knowledge of Christ as it was when working in a physical location.

Does this now mean that we would no longer be able to fulfill our call?

It shouldn’t be, depending on how we approach it individually.

The place may have changed, but the assignment shouldn’t.

We have to now take the assignment online too.

Remember the piece on how to tell your faith story? We should start telling our faith story remotely.

This will require we develop new skills or we hone existing ones such as;

Initiative- before, the opportunity used to present itself because we were all in the office, now we have to create the opportunity by reaching out to colleagues not just for work related matters but to check on them and create the opportunity to tell our faith story.

Goal driven – we may have explanations for not winning souls for Christ in the workplace because we are working remotely and we don’t see our colleagues, we should not forget that this is a call, it is a responsibility and assignment given to us by God. We must set this goals for ourselves and pursue it with all our strength.

Respect for other- this essential as we have to show that we are not usurping people’s right to privacy and their own opinion. We can not impose salvation on them, it is the Holy Spirit that saves. Ours is to open up their eyes to the truth. We should therefore remember this when we reach out to them to tell our faith story.

Love for others. I won’t call this a skill per se, but a genuine concerns for our colleagues who don’t know Christ. This will cause us to pray for their salvation and share the good news with them.

As Christian employees called to the mission field (place of work), we must remember the all and not let change change it for us.

God bless you.

Akindele Afolabi

Christian Employee Series.

Published inWorkplace Principles


  1. Faith Eriba Faith Eriba

    This is very eye-opening sir. May God help us to influence lives for him even in this period. Thank you sir

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