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Stand up for a belief

The Career Psychology or the Psychology of Career

Many of the approaches people have taken to solve career or job challenges are fundamentally flawed. How do you prepare someone for an interview when the competence and the right mindset to succeed on the job is not present?

How is creating a winning resume a solution to getting a great job?

It seems we often forget that everything that happens here on earth is govern by laws whether we know it or not and the application of these laws in our daily living determines the result we get. We may not be conscious of these laws but they are always at work.

While these laws may sound philosophical at the face value, there are immense evidences backing the operations of these laws in our lives.

Napoleon Hill for example argued in his classic “Think and Grow Rich” that thoughts are things, and that riches begin with a state of mind based on his 20 years study of hundreds of reputable great men.

More scientific explanations of the operations of these laws include studies on Pygmalion effect, placebo effect and the work of Sigmund Freud who emphatically introduced the idea that we are not guided by forces outside ourselves but that we are motivated and controlled by the inner workings of our own minds.

The career problem of many is not rooted in what they think it is, it is in their minds.

Published inCareer Coach