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The Domino Effect of a Job Based Life

Statistics show that only about 30% of workers are engaged with their job, yet in our lives, we give our jobs priority.

Our lives are framed around our job, such that everything else take the back seat, including our relationship with God.

Since our lives are built around our work life, it means that if the work is not enjoyable or doesn’t give pleasure, everything else suffers.

This is the domino effect of a job based life, which means if something goes wrong at work, something also will go wrong in our personal lives.

The area most impacted by this domino effect is our spiritual life since it is meant to be our priority. Many of us approach our prayer altar with the remnant of the day’s energy or we are eager to set out to work early in the morning that we rush through our prayers.

Studying the Bible to some is a sleeping drug as the moment they start, sleep set in. At best, we manage to read a chapter just to ‘fulfill all righteousness” or we read through the daily devotional to satisfy our conscience that we are studying.

Church activities are mostly at our convenience as everything is about the work.

We give our best to our work and our leftovers to the things of God and other areas of our life that are more important like family, raising our kids etc.

In the kingdom of this world, we are conditioned to make first priority the thing that makes money, not that which gives us meaning.

As this is how things operate in the kingdom of this world, we are automatically programmed to pay less attention to the things of God. The effect of this is that we get so used to the system and accept it as normal such that we do not have a walk with God anymore and are eventually out of His kingdom even though we think we are still in it.

To break free from the domino effect of the job based life the kingdom of this world has imposed on us by design, we need to get our priorities right.

The Bible says we should seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness with a promise that every other thing will be given unto us, including what money can and cannot buy.

This is very deep and it takes a man whom God has revealed himself to understand how this works because this is not about leaving your job or thinking of starting your business.

I have some thoughts around how to do this but I will recommend that we all go before the Lord in prayer to grant us a personal understanding and meaning of seeking God first in all that we do so that He becomes our priority and not the thing that makes money.

God bless you.

Akindele Afolabi.

Christian Employee Series

Published inWorkplace Principles